Jim Neil with his wife and two sonsJim Neil is running for Sheriff to restore order, integrity, and accountability to the office.

As a husband and father of two young boys, Jim Neil is determined to leave Hamilton County a safer, more-vibrant, and more-prosperous place than when he started his career in law enforcement 40 years ago.

As our next Sheriff, Jim’s service to Hamilton County will be rooted in a deep understanding of our criminal justice system.

During his two terms as Sheriff (2013-2021), Jim worked collaboratively with his deputies, elected officials, and county departments to bring about tangible change for Hamilton County. He focused on enforcing the law, increasing deputy morale, improving the daily functions of the office, and, most importantly, keeping inmates behind bars and our communities safe. Jim accomplished all of this by focusing on the issues at hand, and never allowing political ideology to influence his decision making.

Since his departure as Sheriff, the office has seen a dramatic decrease in sworn deputies and deputy morale. We’ve seen numerous inmates escape from custody, and, through diligent local reporting, were made aware of recent drug smuggling into the Justice Center. On all these issues, we’ve seen a complete and total lack of leadership from the current administration. Our current Sheriff has shifted their focus to pushing political agendas, which has direct impacts throughout all of Hamilton County.

When law enforcement agencies work together, public safety will improve in our community. Jim Neil looks forward to fulfilling his vision of making Hamilton County safer, and the Sheriff’s Office the standard in the State of Ohio.